
About Us

Between 700 and 1000 premature babies are born every year in Hadassah hospitals (A premature is a baby botn before week 37 of the pregnancy).

There are Newborn Intensive Care and Special Care units in each hospital, in which prematures and newborns with lung, heart, surgical and genetic disorders are treated. Newborns in need of supervision, special care, or intensive care, are hospitalized in these units according to their condition. The treatment of an ill newborn includes innovative artificial respiration methods, interveneous feeding and consistent monitoring using new and modern equipment.

To the Maternity Departments>>

In addition to the hospitalization departments, we provide services in follow up clinics, jaundice clinics, and at the Hadassah Baby maternity hotel. The neonatology staff includes doctors, nurses, social workers, breastfeeding counselors, a dietitian, a physiotherapist, communications clinician and hearing testers, lab workers, Sherut Leumi girls, and volunteers.

We put great effort in creating a safe, comfortable environment for the baby and its parents after birth. We base our service on professional, comprehensive and devoted treatment for the mother and newborn, based on caring, support and respect for the baby and its family.

In this section of the website you can find detailed information about the baby's first days in the hospital. We hope this information will help to diminish some of the natural fears accompanying the pregnancy, birth, and the first days therafter.

Contact info



Mount Scopus Hopital, 5th floor.




Visiting Hours

Visiting Hours
