Sharap Service
Sharap Service

Sharap Service

The private medical service (Sharap Service) available at Hadassah was established some fifty years ago. It underwent a number of changes over the years before developing into its present format. Through the Sharap Service, patients can select the senior physician who will be treating them. Treatment may be given on an outpatient basis at a clinic, or as part of the patient’s hospitalization.The services offered as part of the Sharap Service allow the patient to enjoy available, personal treatment, as well as other medically-related services found at Hadassah, including laboratories, imaging equipment, and highly advanced operating rooms. Doctors working for the Sharap Service are members of Hadassah’s senior medical staff. They are specialists in their fields, and hold the academic position of “senior lecturer” or “professor” at the Hebrew University - Hadassah School of Medicine.
Sharap Service
Giving birth at Hadassah
Giving birth at Hadassah

Giving birth at Hadassah

Pregnancy and delivery are natural, exciting and sometimes nervewracking. The most important thing to remember is to choose the hospital which will best take care of your personal health needs and the needs of your baby. Hadassah has two hospitals and a talented, professional, qualified and attentive staff. We'll make sure that you receive the best care possible to ensure a safe and healthy delivery of your baby.

Hadassah's Centers

Hadassah's Centers
Hadassah's Centers
Since its inception, Hadassah's pacesetting progress has set the standard for medicine in Israel; the standard of excellence. An impressive list of achievements is testimony to Hadassah's vision and mission. Today, Hadassah Medical Organization continues to move forward, making the world a better place through healing, teaching, and research. Since the establishment of Hadassah's first hospital on Jerusalem's Neviim Street (Street of the Prophets) - a gift of the Rothschild family in 1918 - the Hadassah University Medical Center has expanded to include two University hospitals in Jerusalem - located on Mt. Scopus and in Ein Kerem. The flagship of Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, the two hospitals have 1,000 beds, 31 operating theaters, nine specially oriented intensive care units and five schools of allied medical professions, owned and operated in collaboration with the Hebrew University.Hadassah's extensive network of satellite services provides community health care programs, specialized outpatient clinics and services in several city neighborhoods and nearby towns, as well as consultation clinics in the center of Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv.